Work experience related to future careers, implemented practically through companies and organizations.
Internships offer work experience in management strategies (such as overseas corporate expansion), as well
as participation and exchange of views in all kinds of meetings and seminars in order to build cooperative
relationships and networks of related companies and organizations, promote understanding of commercial
practices between the two countries, and make presentations for promoting internationalization of Japanese
companies, etc.
Placements that aim at only acquisition of knowledge through lectures or classroom exercises, placements
that are indistinguishable from basic labor due to repetition of simple tasks, and placements where
relationships of subordination between intern and host company are confirmed to exist are not considered to
be internships.
Host company
Private companies with a principal place of business in Japan that wish to host interns in Japan.
Foreign human resources with advanced knowledge and skills from developing countries (countries on the
OECD/DAC List, excluding the People‘s Republic of China) participating in the project, who have been
through document screening, interviews
and matching with companies.
In this project, the term ‘foreign human resources’ is sometimes used as an abbreviation.