Here we present some frequently asked questions.

1. How to apply

When will applications open for the 2025 Japan Internship Program? Also, when will the internship take place?

The Japan Internship Program is planned to be held in 2025 as well. However, the application period and internship schedule have not been determined yet. Please note that the program details are subject to possible changes. We encourage you to check for updates when the information for the 2025 Japan Internship Program is released.

1. How to apply

When does the application process start?

We are no longer accepting applications for this year's internship program. Please wait for the next year's information.

1. How to apply

Will there be a business information session?

All of this year's internship recruitment briefings have been completed.
We hope that you will watch the video clips of the past sessions.

1. How to apply

Where can I apply from?

We are no longer accepting applications for this year's internship program. Please wait for the next year's information.

2. Application requirements

Who is eligible to apply?

Please check the requirements here.

2. Application requirements

What's the Japanese and English level of proficiency required to participate?

Japanese language proficiency of approximately JLPT N3 or higher, and English language proficiency is required. Please, check the application requirements here for more details.

2. Application requirements

Can I change my application details if needed?

If you need to change your application details such as name, nationality, age, language proficiency, or current address, please contact the program(JIP)office by e-mail.
In case there are other changes that may affect the selection process, we will contact you directly, so please wait for further instructions.

3. After applying

When should I send my letter of recommendation and resume?

After passing the screening process, please be prepared to submit individual documents such as certificates (university, language, etc.), letters of recommendation, etc., before and after the interview with the program(JIP)office.

3. After applying

When will the results be announced?

The final selection results will be known by the end of August at the latest.

3. After applying

What is the flow after applying, and how are the internship host companies decided?

Screening of documents, interviews with the program(JIP)office and interviews with companies. From among those who passed the final selection, we will choose and recommend the individuals that meet the needs of the hosting company.
If there is a match, we will inform the candidate about it. Upon mutual agreement, the internship will be confirmed. Please check the "business flow" for more details.

4. Other inquiries

Is it possible to get a job at the company after the internship?

This program is an internship with a view to employment with the host company. There is a possibility that you will be selected for employment and may be employed by the host company.

4. Other inquiries

Are there any costs associated with participating in the internship?

There are no costs for internship activities, though, there are costs for food and holiday living.

Visiting Japan face-to-face course
・The interns are provided with transport costs to the training facilities and accommodation during the internship.
・The internship is paid at a rate of ¥3,000 per day, depending on the number of days spent in the internship.
・Provides round-trip airfare (economy class), travel insurance, and assistance in obtaining visa.

Online course
・After consultation, a PC necessary for internship activities will be provided.
・Provide a PC necessary for internship activities after consultation with the interns.

4. Other inquiries

In what kind of companies can I do an internship?

Companies are limited to small and medium-sized enterprises throughout Japan, and they come from various industries and regions. We are recruiting both interns and companies at the same time, and if you are selected as an intern, we will choose a company that matches your skills and abilities. Please click here to check examples of past internships".

4. Other inquiries

Can I choose the internship period?

The timing of internship activities depends on the participating course and company.
You can check the overall calendar on this page for more details.

4. Other inquiries

Can I go to Japan?

In the "Face-to-face courses in Japan", you will come to Japan to participate in the internship.
You can experience job in Japan and learn about Japanese culture and lifestyle.
For more details, please check this page.

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About the handling of personal information
Agree to privacy policy and check the " Agree/同意する".

Fourth Valley Concierge Corporation (hereinafter referred to as " the Company") will handle personal information provided by you as follows in implementing the Internship Program for Promoting Globalization 2024 (hereinafter referred to as "the Program") commissioned by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") will handle private information provided by you in the following manner.

1. Purpose of Use
Personal information provided will be used to receive, respond to, and manage inquiries, applications, and feedback received, send and provide materials, provide information on training programs, conduct internships in the program, and compile statistical data. In addition, we will use the information for the purpose of promoting the program, reporting the results of the program, and other purposes.

2. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
Personal information provided by applicants will be provided to third parties as described below.

(1) Purpose of provision: For reporting on this project
Provided to: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Items provided: All personal information, activity information, and other reporting items collected by the Company
Means or method of provision: electronic data delivery on a cloud system

(2) Purpose of provision: To prepare for and manage internships related to this project after acceptance
Recipients: Companies and other organizations that accept internship students
Items provided: All personal information, activity information, and other reportable items related to internship students and candidates obtained by the Company
Means or method of provision: electronic data delivery on a cloud system

(3) Purpose of provision: To communicate with the interns prior to the start of the internship and after the start of the internship.
Recipients: Internship students related to this project
Items provided: Information on the person in charge of the company hosting the internship
Means or method of provision: electronic data delivery on cloud systems

In addition to the above items, the information will also be provided to the outsourcing company to which we have decided to outsource this project in accordance with Section 3.

In the event of any changes or additions to the contractors, these guidelines will be updated and re-posted as soon as possible.

Provided to: Our overseas group companies, H.I.S. Co., Ltd., KPMG AZSA LLC, Neo Career Co., Ltd., RAKUVISA, Co., Ltd..
Purpose of provision: For planning, implementation, operation, and reporting of internships related to this business
Items provided: Personal information, activity information, and other reporting items related to internship management and reporting

3. Outsourcing
We outsource a part of the handling of personal information provided by you within the scope of the purpose of use. In selecting a subcontractor, we conduct a rigorous screening process to ensure that the subcontractor meets certain standards of our company before outsourcing, including overseas.

4. Voluntary provision of personal information
The provision of personal information is voluntary and not mandatory. However, please understand that if you do not provide your personal information, you will not be able to use the services described in the purpose of use.

5. Use of Cookies
This website may use cookies to enhance the information and services provided and to make them more convenient to use. Unless we obtain your prior consent, we will not use cookies to obtain personally identifiable information.

6. Disclosure, Correction, and Deletion of Personal Information
In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law, the Company may request notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, or deletion of content, suspension of use, deletion, or suspension of provision to a third party (hereinafter referred to as "disclosure, etc."). The Company will respond to requests for disclosure, etc. at the following contact point. When making a request for Disclosure, etc., identification and details of the request are required, so please fill out the necessary documents prescribed by the Company and submit them to the contact below.

7. Contact for inquiries regarding personal information
Please submit your request in writing to the Management Office (within Fourth Valley Concierge Corporation).
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Japan Internship Program 2024 Office
WeWork Kojimachi, Bancho Kojimachi Building 5F, 6-6-2 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083, Japan (inside Fourth Valley Concierge Corporation)
Contact: privacy@4th-valley.com

8. Personal Information Protection Manager
Fourth Valley Concierge Corporation 
Personal Information Protection Manager: Director in Charge
Contact: privacy@4th-valley.com