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- Privacy Policy
- Pasona Inc. is deeply aware of the importance of personal information (including personal information specified hereunder) in the operating of our temporary staffing, employment placement dispatching, employment placement, reemployment support and other human resource services, and as well as carrying out appropriate acquisition, use and provision, in order to protect the rights with regard to personal information of temporary staff, employment placement dispatched staff, persons registered for worker referrals, persons using reemployment support, and client personal information, we have established this privacy policy, which is being implemented with respect to the following matters.
1. Establishment of Management Organization
In order to operate our personal information protection management system effectively, we have established a management organization with clearly defined roles, responsibilities and authority.
2. Appropriate Management
We use a personal information protection management system manual to educate our staff and make them aware of the system, and we implement and operate it appropriately.
3. Prohibition of Use for Other Purposes
We have established, implemented and shall continue to take the necessary measures to ensure that personal information is not used for any other purposes.
4. Compliance with Laws, Regulations and Standards
We have formulated a plan to ensure compliance with laws and ordinances, government guidelines and other standards concerning the protection of personal information and have produced an appropriate personal information protection management system manual.
5. Implementation of Safety Measures
In order to ensure the accuracy and security of the personal information that is under our control, we take measures to prevent the leakage, loss or damage of personal information, as well as other corrective action.
6. Handling of Complaints and Consultation
In order to receive complaints and consultations regarding the handling of personal information and the personal information protection management system, and respond to them appropriately and swiftly, we have established the necessary systems and procedures, which we comply with and maintain.
7. Continuous Improvements
The personal information protection management system is formulated with this policy at its core, and we refer to technological improvements in the information industry, conduct ongoing reviews via internal audits and make improvements to maintain its standards.
- Managing SNS accounts
Policy on managing Facebook account(PDF:38KB)

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