Pick Up

Making considerable progress cultivating a new market in Vietnam!
Our intern created “cultivation manual” and it contributed to overseas development

Hagihara Farm Production Institute Co., Ltd.Hagihara Farm Production Institute Co., Ltd.

企業企業Hagihara Farm Production Institute Co., Ltd.

Nara/Watermelon・Melon Breeding

インターンインターン Le Huy Hoang

Vietnam/Graduated from University of Science and Technology of Hanoi/Agronomical Biotechnology


We want to spread Japanese farming technology and our own products in Vietnam

Q.Why did your company decide to take on interns? What did you aim to achieve?
Our company was established in 1916 as a seed and seedling (nursery) company. We started out as a cultivation farm specializing in watermelon, and now we are researching and improving varieties of watermelon and melon. Until now business has mainly been developed in the domestic market, however due to saturation of the domestic market and impact from the decline in agricultural producers, we are feeling the need to develop our business overseas. As a result of conducting local field visits and gathering information from related institutions, we learned that Japanese technology has already spread to China and Korea. At the same time, Japanese technology is only beginning to spread in Vietnam which is currently growing rapidly, and we perceived potential for new business. In order to pursue business development in Vietnam efficiently, we believe personnel having specialized knowledge in the agricultural field is required, so we decided to apply to this program. Then, we decided to accept an intern from a university in Vietnam who is majoring in agronomical biotechnology.



Learned about melon cultivation technology, and based on hands on experience, created a “cultivation manual’ in Vietnamese and English

Q.What kind of internship did you run? What difficulties did you face and how did you resolve them?
In developing business in Vietnam, even if we brought in seedlings from our own products, there are no technicians knowledgeable in melon cultivation, so we felt limitations to developing the business. Therefore, we made a cultivation manual in Vietnamese, planning to export both our own products and cultivation know-how. Toward this end, first we had the intern learn about melon cultivation and management technology through hands on experience. At that time, we also explained theoretical matters such as knowledge concerning the physiological ecology of melons and the objectives of production processes and why they are needed etc. Based on what he had learned, we asked the intern to prepare a cultivation manual in Vietnamese and English. This was not simply translating the existing manual, but making a proper manual incorporating the knowledge and technology learned through hands on experience. The completed cultivation manual was more wonderful than we had imagined. Using photos and drawings, the detailed flow from soil preparation to cultivation and harvest was extremely well summarized and easy to understand.
Additionally, twice a week, he conducted English lessons to convey the enjoyment of speaking English to employees who had always felt reluctant.



We built the foundation for developing new sales channels, and we have made a major step forward toward securing overseas customers

Q.Comparing before and after the internship, what effects did it have on you, your employees, or your organization?
Through this internship, we built the foundation for developing new sales channels which had previously not been possible, and we believe we have made a major step forward toward securing overseas customers. The level of the cultivation manual created by the intern is extremely high and can be used immediately for actual work, and the structure for exporting our own products together with cultivation know-how was established.
Also, the intern was interested in a variety of activities, and his proactive stance on challenging various things was a good inspiration particularly for employees of the same generation. Employees gained a valuable opportunity to speak English almost every day, and we were surprised by the change of heart of those previously reluctant to try to communicate in English. The intern coming filled the company with vitality and had a very positive effect.
In this short period, there were successes both on the business development front, as well as the aspect of reforming employee awareness, marking a major step forward toward overseas development going forward.



Gained self-confidence through making a contribution to the company

Q.What did you get out of the internship?
I participated in this internship because I wanted to make a contribution to the company and to be useful, and contributing through the completion of the “cultivation manual” requested by the company was a big success for me as well, giving me self-confidence. Before the internship, I believed I had some understanding of the way of thinking regarding the Japanese way of working and customer service. However, through the internship, I noticed differences with Vietnam, discovered many wonderful aspects of Japan, and learned many things. In the future if I’m working for a Japanese affiliate company, I hope to be able to use this experience.
It was difficult communicating at the beginning since I don’t speak Japanese. However, by mutually devising gestures and single words, I was able to communicate with a variety of different people. I will study Japanese back home in Vietnam, and hope to continue supporting Hagihara Farm going forward.



Fujisaki Electric Corporation

企業Fujisaki Electric Corporation

Tokushima/Construction Manufacturing/Natural Energy Power Generation

インターンNoor Bazila Sharifmuddin

Malaysia/Master's degree at Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology(MJIIT)/Electrical Engineering

インターンElizzah Rahmatika

Indonesia/Master's degree at Institut Teknologi Bandung/Mining Engineering

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NiKKi Fron Co., Ltd.

企業NiKKi Fron Co., Ltd.


インターンDang Phan Binh Minh

Vietnam/Foreign Trade University HCMC/International Economics

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Toyama/Planning, Development, Manufacturing and Sales of Quasi-drugs and Cosmetics

インターンLe Nguyen Khanh Hoa

Vietnam/University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh city/ Pharmacy

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SHOEI Driving School Co., Ltd.

企業SHOEI Driving School Co., Ltd.

Okayama/Management of Driving School

インターンShweta Arora

India/Master's degree at Delhi University/Japanese literature

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Hyogo/Food Manufacturing

インターンElamin Niematallah

Sudan/Osaka University (Doctoral course)/Economics

インターンAriq Suryo Wicaksono

Indonesia/Graduated from University of Muhammadiyah Malang/Food Science and Technology

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KIYORA kikuchi Co., Ltd.

企業KIYORA kikuchi Co., Ltd.

Kumamoto/Soft Drinks Manufacturing Business

インターンSyifa Adilla

Indonesia/Graduated from University of Padjadjaran/Psychology

インターンNur Fatihah Kamaruddin

Malaysia/Graduated from Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology(MJIIT)/Environmental Engineering and Green Technology

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