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The Research Capabilities Demonstrated by Interns in the Rapid Business Launching Situation and Her Contributions to Promoting the Utilization of Foreign Talent

nextbeat Co., Ltd.

企業nextbeat Co., Ltd.

Tokyo / Composite services

インターンAlissa Qothrun Nada Darmawan

Indonesia / Diponegoro University, Japanese Studies


Recognizing the Need for the Contributions of International Students During the Critical Phase of Rapid Business Launching Situation

Q.Why did your company decide to take on interns? What did you aim to achieve?
Our company operates multiple businesses with the mission of "Developing vital internet businesses to revitalize Japan in an era of population decline." We also have a base in Singapore and plan to expand our overseas operations in the future.
Currently, the number of our foreign employees is less than 10, but we have plans to increase their proportion by 2030.
The shortage of IT talent is expected to become more serious in the future, and to address this, we have launched a new business, 'Tech Bridge Japan,' to promote Japanese companies' employment of foreign IT talent.
In launching this new business, it was necessary to conduct market research, establish partnerships, and develop business mechanisms both domestically and internationally while advancing the business. There were many tasks that required candidates proficient in English and with a willingness to take on challenges.
Therefore, we welcomed Ms. Alissa, a student from Indonesia. By having her, we thought we would be able to gain flexible thinking and diverse perspectives. We also believed that having her specialized involvement during the critical early stages of the business, where speed is essential, was a significant advantage.



Enhancing Communication through the Utilization of Various Tools in Remote Work

Q.What kind of internship did you run? What difficulties did you face and how did you resolve them?
In our new business, we first launched a recruitment service for foreign IT engineers residing in Japan. We mainly entrusted Ms. Alissa with building a network with foreign IT engineers who are job seekers and conducting information research on companies that are hiring engineers.
Ms. Alissa worked remotely from Indonesia, with a work schedule from 10 AM to 2 PM (our company's official hours are from 10 AM to 7 PM), five days a week on weekdays. We used Slack, our daily internal communication tool, for basic communication.
Additionally, since Ms. Alissa was working remotely from overseas, we kept the team connected via the web conferencing system Google Meet during working hours, so everyone could stay updated on each other’s status.
Regarding the task management, we prepared a task sheet on a shared spreadsheet, linking related files there to ensure smooth workflow management. This method allowed not only the team leader but also the team members to have visibility over what tasks Ms. Alissa had completed and what she was currently working on.



The Success of Hosting Interns Accelerates the Initiative to Actively Recruit Foreign Talent

Q.Comparing before and after the internship, what effects did it have on you, your employees, or your organization?
We are pleased to announce that Ms. Alissa, the intern we had this time, will join our company as a full-time employee starting next fiscal year!
We proposed Ms. Alissa to our HR department and suggested her selection as a candidate that the team strongly desired to hire. After going through interviews with our executives and CEO, her offer has been finalized.
This case has allowed our recruitment team and the new business team that accepted her to adopt a more positive outlook on welcoming foreign nationals. As a company, we had planned to increase the number of foreign employees even before the internship, and since there are already actively contributing foreign employees, many of our employees hold a positive view on hiring foreign nationals.
However, it is significant that, especially within the team that accepted Ms. Alissa, there is now a reinforced sense that "we should look overseas if such talented individuals are available." Until now, we have had very few foreign nationals among our new graduates, but we have begun increasing our interactions with foreign nationals even at the new graduate level. We anticipate making progress in our plan to increase foreign employees.



The Realization of Personal Career and Future Goals Through Practical Experience

Q.What did you get out of the internship?
Through the internship, I was not only able to improve my Japanese language skills but also gain practical experience in the HR industry. Initially, I was uncertain about what I could do with the Japanese I had learned so far, but the experience of working at a Japanese company has become an opportunity for me to consider my future career options more concretely.
During the internship, I was in charge of research tasks related to foreign worker support services, which allowed me to deeply understand the recruitment of international talent in the IT industry in Japan. From this experience, I realized once again that I could gain various learnings while working in a company and contribute to society through service provision.
Moreover, since all the tasks were conducted in Japanese, it was a great opportunity to acquire business Japanese and industry-specific terminology.
By challenging myself with this internship, I have been able to envision my future goals, and I am really glad that I participated. I would like to express my gratitude once again for this valuable experience. Moving forward, I aim to utilize these experiences and strive for further growth.



Forward CO.,LTD.

企業Forward CO.,LTD.

Tokyo / Water utility management

インターンThu Pham

Vietnam / Foreign Trade University Ha Noi, Business Japanese

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Osaka / Services

インターンMurat Boronbaev

Kyrgyzstan / American University of Central Asia, Software Engineering

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Seifukan.inc (Seifukan Gakuin)

企業Seifukan.inc (Seifukan Gakuin)

Hyogo / Education/Learning Support

インターンAlina Prykhodko

Ukraine / University of St. Kliment Ohridski,Japanese Studies

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