Pick Up

Advanced manual preparation and product development from the viewpoint of the Interns, leading to starting the introduction of them to the subsidiary in Vietnam on a full-scale basis.

Ichioka Seika Co.,Ltd.

企業Ichioka Seika Co.,Ltd.

Tokushima/Food Manufacturing

インターンLe Thi Hau

Vietnam/University of Social Sciences and Humanities

インターンHuynh Le Minh Thao

Vietnam/Foreign Trade University


We want to work on the localization of manuals for education and guidance in order to prepare for the full-scale operation of the subsidiary in Vietnam

Q.Why did your company decide to take on interns? What did you aim to achieve?
Our company is engaged in the manufacturing and sales of confectionery using crops harvested in Tokushima Prefecture as raw materials. In 2017, we established a subsidiary in Vietnam. We sent our head office staff there to give education and guidance to the Vietnamese staff, however, it did not work so much because of limited duration and members. We felt that "easy-to-understand manuals for Vietnamese staff" created from the Vietnamese perspective would be necessary in order to implement sanitary management and quality control comparable to those in Japan. Therefore we accepted the Vietnamese interns to get help from them for preparing the manuals that explain objectives and methods of tasks. For example, the task of "washing hands" that would be not only translated but also accompanied by some texts in consideration of the value and thought of the Vietnamese could lead to effective guidance and education. In addition, as we expected that advice on the development of products for the Vietnamese market and exchange between the head office staff and the Vietnamese interns would raise the interest in the subsidiary, we applied for the program.



Better understanding of the workflow from manufacturing to sales which led to manual preparation and proposals for product development.

Q.What kind of internship did you run? What difficulties did you face and how did you resolve them?
Prior to manual preparation, we gave the interns experience with four jobs (manufacturing, quality control, product development and business planning). Based on the experience, we asked them to work on the preparation and translation of operation manuals and books for terminology. When experiencing manufacturing and quality control in the factory, we explained to them the procedure for entry, inspection, systems for efficient production and importance of talking to each other and communication. It was hard to explain technical terms and jargons, but we spent so much time giving to the interns correct understanding as much as possible because their understanding would lead to the understanding of the staff of the subsidiary in Vietnam. For the understanding of product development, the interns joined the trial production of a new product and gave their feedback and opinions about the taste, flavor, package and pricing. For the understanding of business planning, we entrusted to the interns the translation of materials for sales and marketing, and engaged them in the planning for and attendance at the Halloween event of an university in Tokushima to leave sales strategies and marketing to them. In addition, the interns also tried the "Potato Digging Training" program, which new employees participate in, and experienced the Awa dance together with the people of companies in the prefecture that participated in this program, promoting exchange with other communities beyond our company.



Collaboration promoted mutual understanding, and the operation based on the manuals started at the factory in Vietnam.

Q.Comparing before and after the internship, what effects did it have on you, your employees, or your organization?
One of the greatest results was that "easy-to-understand manuals for Vietnamese staff" from the Vietnamese perspective, which was the main focus, were successfully prepared. As the interns experienced various departments, they could develop the manuals that reflected the experience and knowledge of more employees. We will begin to use them at our factory in Vietnam immediately. Through the internship, we could understand the expressions and explanations that were easy (or difficult) for the Vietnamese to understand. In addition, it was a great advance that we could establish a methodology of effective guidance and education for Vietnamese staff. This was our first experience of accepting foreign human resources for a long term, but what surprised us was their power of action and aggressiveness as highly skilled workers. They asked so many questions even about one simple task that we could grasp the inadequacy of our explanations, as well as their questions. In the first day of internship, we felt confused a little. However, we found them fitting in well with our company while exchanging opinions about sweets and getting knowledge of the food culture of Vietnam from them. Making use of the successful result of the internship this time, we would like to keep on trying to pursue "Japan quality and Ichioka quality" in the future.



Learnt about responsibility for safety and security of food, and provided ideas for development of products for the Vietnamese.

Q.What did you get out of the internship?
I experienced a wide variety of jobs at Ichioka Seika Co.,Ltd., during which I always felt that the Japanese company was very careful about their jobs. Particularly, I was impressed by their "sanitary management". The inspection system was very strict ranging from a microbial test to check products for foreign materials using a metal detector and visual check, which made me feel their great sense of responsibility for the safety and security of food. This internship was a very meaningful opportunity in my life. After returning home, I would like to engage in exchange between Japan and Vietnam and get a job where Japanese is used. (Hau)
Making use of the experience with work at the marketing department of confectionary company before, I could make proposals for advertising and marketing methods for their products sold in Vietnam. Though the factory had many rules, I could understand through the actual experience there that all those rules were for the purpose of providing the environment where the employees could work comfortably to make good products. I enjoyed my personal time in Japan as well, including climbing Mt. Tsurugi, the famous mountain in Tokushima, and eating Tokushima foods. The Halloween event in which I tried on a stuffed animal suit of a racoon dog was also a great memory for me. (Thao)



Suido Technical Service Co., Ltd.

企業Suido Technical Service Co., Ltd.

Kanagawa/Service industry

インターンAmanatullah Savitri

Indonesia/Gifu University, Faculty of Engineering, Civil Engineering Department

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インターンTran Thu Huyen

Vietnam/Foreign Trade University, Economics and International Business

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Spiral Inc.

企業Spiral Inc.


インターンAli Hassan

Pakistan/National Textile University, Computer Schence

インターンOlivier Mugiraneza

Rwanda/IPRC kigali, Information Communication Technologies

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Holoeyes Inc.

企業Holoeyes Inc.

Tokyo/Information and communication industry

インターンSyadia Arina Binti Shamsul Jasmi

Malaysia/University of Technology PETRONAS, Information and Communication Technology

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企業KACOMS Co.,Ltd.


インターンHarry Fu Liang

Malaysia/UCSI University Malaysia, Faculty of Business & Information Science

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Plant Base Co.,Ltd.

企業Plant Base Co.,Ltd.

Chiba/Construction industry

インターンHumannisa Rubina Lestari

Indonesia/Mercu Buana University, Management Marketing

インターンEsteriana Ekawati

Indonesia/Pelita Harapan University, Civil Engineering Department

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Tokyo/Academic research, professional and technical services

インターンKalghatgi Ankita Madan

India/UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI, Department of Applied Psychology and Counselling Centre

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企業AXELL Inc.

Tokyo/Manufacturing and Food service

インターンValentyn Cheremin

Ukraine/Moscow State Institute of International Relations, International Journalism

インターンHoang Thi Huong Ly

Vietnam/FPT University, Linguistic

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Kanagawa/Trading Company

インターンJulius Tan Sarcilla Gonzales

Philippines/International University of Japan, International Relations

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インターンSarah Sofia Susanto Putri

Indonesia/Bandung Institute of Technology, Faculty of Arts and Design

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インターンMaria Adelina Marzan Facun

Philippines/University of the Philippines Diliman, Mass Communication

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Ishikawa/Service Industry

インターンHassani Putti Alya

Indonesia/Bogor Agricultural University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Landscape Architecture

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ThreeHigh Co., Ltd.

企業ThreeHigh Co., Ltd.


インターンBeisenbay Zere

Kazakhstan/Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Oriental Studies

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Prema Inc.

企業Prema Inc.

Kyoto/Wholesale and retail

インターンEl Hakim Mariam

Egypt/Ain Shams University, Japanese language and literature

インターンElkhouly Hadeel

Egypt/Ain Shams University, Japanese language and literature

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