Pick Up

Deliver to the world products making use of manufacturing technologies for high precision sheet metal fabrication - Shift from business mainly based on contract manufacturing to "aggressive business"




インターンSarah Sofia Susanto Putri

Indonesia/Bandung Institute of Technology, Faculty of Arts and Design


To break away from the production system that relies only on contract and challenge the world with our unique technology and design.

Q.Why did your company decide to take on interns? What did you aim to achieve?
As a company that engages in high precision sheet metal fabrication business, we have met requests and needs of customers from various industries with our technological capabilities. Previously, our business was mainly based on a contract production system; however, we started the sales of an aluminum bow tie "Metal Butterfly" in 2019 as our first original product for which we mobilized high precision metal sheet fabrication technologies. It is really an item into which the fascination of craftsmanship in Japanese manufacturing is poured. We would like to sell it not only domestically but also overseas through electronic commerce in the future, and, capitalizing on that opportunity, enhance the pride in manufacturing and the spirit of unlocking the future among our employees so that we can grow as a company that ventures into the world. For entry into the global market, it is urgent for us to establish a sales system. In terms of grasping the picture of the market and developing sales channels, as well as branding and localization, foreign human resources will be key to the successful development of our business overseas. Therefore we have applied for this program.



Learnt sensitivity of foreigners from the viewpoint of interns to make use of it for marketing tools and website design.

Q.What kind of internship did you run? What difficulties did you face and how did you resolve them?
As the intern was a creative individual who not only had experience as a graphic designer in her home country but also operated a website for electronic commerce of her original miscellaneous goods, we expected synergy with our new business from her. Among her activities were creation of marketing tools for overseas, website design and development of an EC system. She also held hearings with each of our employees for the purpose of translating technical terms. Through repeated discussions with the intern, differences in marketing between Japan and overseas also became clear. For example, Japanese websites tend to use more text in order to deliver enthusiasm and stories. However, we understood from the intern's opinion that visual-based design was more effective and versatile for foreign countries, and thus we modified the direction. In addition, we arranged for our employees a seminar in which she taught about the tradition and culture of Indonesia to promote friendship. Externally, we not only sold her original miscellaneous goods in the local event but also arranged activities suitable for her, such as experiencing community development through art in the Artist-in-residence program of Narita City.



Release of information toward overseas became active, which provided a pathway for expansion of our business overseas.

Q.Comparing before and after the internship, what effects did it have on you, your employees, or your organization?
The intern fit in fine with our employees by sharing her surprise, sensations and opinions with them, which brightened the company. Even employees who were poor at English found themselves talking to her in English. It was an unexpected happy result that an internal structure for supporting interns by all the employees was established. As for me, it was fruitful that I could realize improvement in English skills, reconfirm the excellence in craftsmanship in Japanese manufacturing, and pave the way for our overseas operation. The degree of success of the internship activity this time was 150% and we could have a pleasant and satisfactory time with her. Making use of this experience, we would like to continue the release of information toward overseas, accumulating various kinds of attractive contents. As part of it, we want to promote the development of new products using Batik, one of the Indonesian cultural assets. After the internship activity, we will continue to work with her as a business partner, making the most of the common marketing system and each other's strength. Through the experience this time, we are convinced that employment of foreigners is one of the important business resources for the growth of our company and gives a significant impact for growth of smaller businesses.



Making use of an ambitious spirit learned in Japan, I want to contribute to the development of Indonesia.

Q.What did you get out of the internship?
As I had been interested in the high ethical sense of jobs among Japanese people and their earnest attitude toward their own jobs, I decided to apply for the internship to learn about the reason for that through the experience. All the people of Nissei Inc. and business owners working with Nissei took enormous pride in their jobs and had powerful motivation to improve their products and services, which inspired me very much. I felt that keeping up an ambitious spirit high would lead to not only making a profit from business but improving quality of life, and eventually, countries. I was very happy to contribute to Nissei Inc. for releasing information to the world by making use of my experience as a designer, including the knowledge of the difference in the sensitivity between Japan and the other countries. I could also enjoy Japan during my time apart from the activity. In particular, all aspects of the Japanese cuisine were wonderful. I would like to use my experience here for the development of Indonesia. I had felt anxiety before starting the activity, but nothing to worry about occurred. I hope that many people will try this internship without fear of failure or anxiety. (Sarah)



Suido Technical Service Co., Ltd.

企業Suido Technical Service Co., Ltd.

Kanagawa/Service industry

インターンAmanatullah Savitri

Indonesia/Gifu University, Faculty of Engineering, Civil Engineering Department

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インターンTran Thu Huyen

Vietnam/Foreign Trade University, Economics and International Business

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Spiral Inc.

企業Spiral Inc.


インターンAli Hassan

Pakistan/National Textile University, Computer Schence

インターンOlivier Mugiraneza

Rwanda/IPRC kigali, Information Communication Technologies

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Ichioka Seika Co.,Ltd.

企業Ichioka Seika Co.,Ltd.

Tokushima/Food Manufacturing

インターンLe Thi Hau

Vietnam/University of Social Sciences and Humanities

インターンHuynh Le Minh Thao

Vietnam/Foreign Trade University

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Holoeyes Inc.

企業Holoeyes Inc.

Tokyo/Information and communication industry

インターンSyadia Arina Binti Shamsul Jasmi

Malaysia/University of Technology PETRONAS, Information and Communication Technology

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企業KACOMS Co.,Ltd.


インターンHarry Fu Liang

Malaysia/UCSI University Malaysia, Faculty of Business & Information Science

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Plant Base Co.,Ltd.

企業Plant Base Co.,Ltd.

Chiba/Construction industry

インターンHumannisa Rubina Lestari

Indonesia/Mercu Buana University, Management Marketing

インターンEsteriana Ekawati

Indonesia/Pelita Harapan University, Civil Engineering Department

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Tokyo/Academic research, professional and technical services

インターンKalghatgi Ankita Madan

India/UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI, Department of Applied Psychology and Counselling Centre

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企業AXELL Inc.

Tokyo/Manufacturing and Food service

インターンValentyn Cheremin

Ukraine/Moscow State Institute of International Relations, International Journalism

インターンHoang Thi Huong Ly

Vietnam/FPT University, Linguistic

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Kanagawa/Trading Company

インターンJulius Tan Sarcilla Gonzales

Philippines/International University of Japan, International Relations

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インターンMaria Adelina Marzan Facun

Philippines/University of the Philippines Diliman, Mass Communication

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Ishikawa/Service Industry

インターンHassani Putti Alya

Indonesia/Bogor Agricultural University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Landscape Architecture

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ThreeHigh Co., Ltd.

企業ThreeHigh Co., Ltd.


インターンBeisenbay Zere

Kazakhstan/Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Oriental Studies

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Prema Inc.

企業Prema Inc.

Kyoto/Wholesale and retail

インターンEl Hakim Mariam

Egypt/Ain Shams University, Japanese language and literature

インターンElkhouly Hadeel

Egypt/Ain Shams University, Japanese language and literature

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