Pick Up

With the goal of building up a robust business structure with resistance to economic trends in Japan, we strive to form the foundation for developing our industrial heater business in overseas markets.

ThreeHigh Co., Ltd.

企業ThreeHigh Co., Ltd.


インターンBeisenbay Zere

Kazakhstan/Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Oriental Studies


Advanced English proficiency among the employees will be a stepping-stone to the expansion and stabilization of our business in the overseas markets.

Q.Why did your company decide to take on interns? What did you aim to achieve?
Since the establishment in 1987, we have been engaged in the manufacture and sales of silicone rubber heaters and other industrial heating equipment. A large portion of sales activities are based on the domestic market, and almost all our clients of a total of about 6,000 are Japanese companies. With a downward trend in the domestic market that began about two years ago, we have formulated a new medium-term business plan to build up a global business structure that is not affected easily by the economic trends in Japan. Since we receive inquiries from overseas customers about our made-in-Japan industrial heaters, the pride of our company, we expect a large demand in the markets abroad. The first step toward expanding into oversea markets would be to maintain the English-oriented environment in order to respond to inquiries and orders from overseas more efficiently. We applied for this intern program to move forward the goal and make it a stepping-stone for our business development in overseas markets.



We aim to build up a support system to handle English speaking customers and move forward with making PR tools and client lists.

Q.What kind of internship did you run? What difficulties did you face and how did you resolve them?
Since the first priority is to build up the English-oriented environment in the company, we started off our intern program with her by having a morning assembly in English. We did our best in becoming used to the English environment by reporting the daily schedule in English and used Japanese only when it required detailed information sharing over the course of work. We also asked Zere to teach us English on a weekly basis in a class we called “Zere-san’s English class” to improve the overall English skills of the employees. We relied on her translation at first in our morning meeting activities but we got better as we went on-- today, we make speeches ourselves. With a view into the sales expansion in overseas market, we have our product brochures, manuals, and homepage in English today. It was Zere that did all the translation work for us at our request. Then, we had an order from the Philippines. We enclosed the manuals and brochures she translated into English with their ordered item. Also, she supported our global marketing activities by researching the needs and current market trends in areas surrounding her country such as Kazakhstan and Russia. She also made a list of Japanese-affiliated companies and trading companies active in Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia for us.



She contributed largely to; building up the English-oriented environment and foundation for entering into the overseas markets.

Q.Comparing before and after the internship, what effects did it have on you, your employees, or your organization?
She contributed largely to building up the English-oriented environment within the company and foundation for entering into the overseas markets. The intern program was an important achievement for us. In particular, it accelerated the English-oriented environment; English has become a mandatory language for internal emails, and we started speaking more English. Furthermore, all our employees took a TOEIC test in January 2020. Going forward, we will continue to make positive efforts to promote the initiative. We have been striving to introduce a new system for handling inquiries and orders from abroad; a large portion of our PR and other materials were translated into English in such a short period of time, and our official English homepage was created. Zere is warm and sincere. She soon started to get along with others in the office and became very popular. This intern experience brought us the desired change and the necessary information. We were also exposed to more English this time than in our previous short-term internship with a partner from abroad. In order to receive orders from abroad, we have started to approaching Japanese-affiliated companies and trading companies based on her research reports. We realized again how great the program is; it invigorated the activated the atmosphere of the company and furthermore, our global business took off successfully.



The skills I improved through a broad range of activities will surely help me in my future career path.

Q.What did you get out of the internship?
I had the opportunity to participate in a broad range of activities by giving presentations in English, translating documents, researching the market trends, hosting an English class, and creating PR videos. The experiences helped me realize the space for self-improvement. Since creating PR videos and brochures have been my field of interest, I was excited to attend the site and the meeting for the shooting. It learned a lot through the experiences. I was however, a complete beginner in the market research and translation field. There were times when I felt nervous and worried if my research skills and the phrasing of words in my translation were good enough for them to achieve the goal of ThreeHigh. I kept the thought at the back of my mind at first. I, however, opened up to them as we got closer to each other, asking for advice and support when I was loaded with too much pressure and whenever necessary. I had the experience of studying in Japan so, I was free from worrying about the language and lifestyle in the country. My biggest worry was if I could fit into the company. The positive relationships among workers and their family-like atmosphere soon took away my concern. I hope to utilize the knowledge and skills I gained during the intern period in my future career path.



Suido Technical Service Co., Ltd.

企業Suido Technical Service Co., Ltd.

Kanagawa/Service industry

インターンAmanatullah Savitri

Indonesia/Gifu University, Faculty of Engineering, Civil Engineering Department

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インターンTran Thu Huyen

Vietnam/Foreign Trade University, Economics and International Business

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Spiral Inc.

企業Spiral Inc.


インターンAli Hassan

Pakistan/National Textile University, Computer Schence

インターンOlivier Mugiraneza

Rwanda/IPRC kigali, Information Communication Technologies

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Ichioka Seika Co.,Ltd.

企業Ichioka Seika Co.,Ltd.

Tokushima/Food Manufacturing

インターンLe Thi Hau

Vietnam/University of Social Sciences and Humanities

インターンHuynh Le Minh Thao

Vietnam/Foreign Trade University

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Holoeyes Inc.

企業Holoeyes Inc.

Tokyo/Information and communication industry

インターンSyadia Arina Binti Shamsul Jasmi

Malaysia/University of Technology PETRONAS, Information and Communication Technology

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企業KACOMS Co.,Ltd.


インターンHarry Fu Liang

Malaysia/UCSI University Malaysia, Faculty of Business & Information Science

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Plant Base Co.,Ltd.

企業Plant Base Co.,Ltd.

Chiba/Construction industry

インターンHumannisa Rubina Lestari

Indonesia/Mercu Buana University, Management Marketing

インターンEsteriana Ekawati

Indonesia/Pelita Harapan University, Civil Engineering Department

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Tokyo/Academic research, professional and technical services

インターンKalghatgi Ankita Madan

India/UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI, Department of Applied Psychology and Counselling Centre

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企業AXELL Inc.

Tokyo/Manufacturing and Food service

インターンValentyn Cheremin

Ukraine/Moscow State Institute of International Relations, International Journalism

インターンHoang Thi Huong Ly

Vietnam/FPT University, Linguistic

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Kanagawa/Trading Company

インターンJulius Tan Sarcilla Gonzales

Philippines/International University of Japan, International Relations

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インターンSarah Sofia Susanto Putri

Indonesia/Bandung Institute of Technology, Faculty of Arts and Design

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インターンMaria Adelina Marzan Facun

Philippines/University of the Philippines Diliman, Mass Communication

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Ishikawa/Service Industry

インターンHassani Putti Alya

Indonesia/Bogor Agricultural University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Landscape Architecture

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Prema Inc.

企業Prema Inc.

Kyoto/Wholesale and retail

インターンEl Hakim Mariam

Egypt/Ain Shams University, Japanese language and literature

インターンElkhouly Hadeel

Egypt/Ain Shams University, Japanese language and literature

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